By Momala...of course. I mean, who else would write on here besides me?
My amazing and darling daughter tagged me with a meme. (To find out what a meme is, click here.) This meme asks me to tell you 6 quirky, random or inconsequential facts about myself.The rules for this meme are: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
I couldn't let her down so here are 6 fabulous and little known quirks and such about me.
1. I can eat 6 boxes of Smarties in one sitting. It's a feat that leaves my grandchildren mystified and impressed. I must say, I'm more then a little impressed myself.
2. My weakness is a White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks. Must be a ristretto and it must have whipped cream. If any of those two elements are missing I begin to weep uncontrollably. No, just teasing...I wouldn't call it weeping...
3. I have watched "You've Got Mail" with my daughter at least 100 times.
4. My dream is to be an international spy. I've had a bit of practice on past adventures and I'm positive that I'm ready to take on the real thing!
5. I'm convinced there is gold in the steam tunnels. And pygmies. My daughter thinks I'm nuts, but that's okay...she's not the one writing this!
6. I tend to sing loudly on airplanes if I sense the passengers are getting aggitated. I've been told it's very soothing and I take this calling very, very seriously.
There you have it. If any of you reading this would like to continue and write your own MeMe please feel free!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My MeMe
Posted by Momala at 2:46 PM
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good job momala!! i'm so glad you finally wrote something - i was beginning to get worried:).
there were somethings on there even i didn't know!!:)
love you!!!
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